I thought to myself "i must make one of these", i thought i had bookmarked it to come back to at a later date!! I am hoping one of you lovely bloggers will know what i am chatting on about lol.... Doesn't it drive you mad when you see something whilst blog hopping then can't remember where Grrrrr......
I hope you have all had a fab weekend and enjoying the great weather we have had :)
Hi Sonia, I've got one saved on my puter...see URL below...but its all in German...looks quite easy to follow though although I have to confess I've not tried it yet lol!
Hi Sonia, thanks for your comment on my blog wishing us a lovely hol. We had a great time, we stayed in a beautiful villa in a small area outside Los Christianos. Nice to be back though especially to this lovely weather.
I think the Storage Box post you are talking about is on Kerry's blog (A load of old Pickle). It is a goregous box, I think I might have a go at one myself. I hope this is what your looking for. Have a good week. Sue.x
Hi Sonia I so know what you mean don't you hate when you know you seen something and can't find it anywhere,I don't think I am the person you are thinking of but I do have a mini box file storage box I have made on my blog I used an old carboard cookie box to make mine it's on my blog now just a few post down if you would like to take a look. Hope you find the person you are looking for.
here's one i found while searching
hope it helps
hugs jane x
here's another one
hugs jane x
sorry sonia this is correct link
hugs jane x
Hi Sonia, I did one quite a while ago, http://jeannettespages.blogspot.com/2009/02/cupcake-craft-challenge-altered-items.html and check out, http://wwwcardoasis.blogspot.com/Hope you find what your looking for.
Hi Sonia. I made one of these image boxes, you can fid it on my blog with the link!
Hugs, Vicky -x-
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